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1.037 visite nel profilo
  1. 13:42 (quando ho visto loro email). Sono un po deluso perche ho visto que una agenzia di turismo vende pachetti (biglietto + hotel)
  2. I sono J1897 e non mi hanno chiamato. Un po' deluso.
  3. Voi avete prenotato prima di ricevere dell email "aquista la transferta" ? Perche io l'ho ricevuto alle 11:43 (ho prenotato piu tardi, alle 13:42, quando l'ho visto ). Le vostre prenotazione sono alle: 10:55 (JuventinaXsempre) e 10:52 (vegeta89). Grazie e mi scusi per gli errori di lingua italiana
  4. Voi entrambi siete stati chiamati. Io ancora no (prenotazione ale 13:42). Io ci spero ancora (Old Trafford e un stadio da oltre 75.000 posti, 5% per la squadra ospite significa circa 3750 posti) nonostante io sono J1897 residente all'estero (in Romania)
  5. I can confirm that's the number. I had a "missed call" from this number but I didn't know it was a call from Juventus. I realized only after I read the email from Juventus
  6. When I payed 160 euro I didn't know they will change their policy regarding international members. Initially I was a Premium Member, than a J1897. I was always able to buy tickets via Listicket. Starting with this season Listicket is not anymore available for me in preemption sale (only in general sale). Anyway, if the situation will remain the same I won't renew my membership (will expire in october). Also I can say it's a discrimination made by Juventus between J1897 from Italy and those who live in other countries. All of us payed 160 euros for a J1897...
  7. If you really know the reason pls tell us.
  8. Ma perche noi, J1897 residenti all'estero, non possiamo comprare biglietti (in fase di prelazione) via Listicket comme l'anno scorso ?
  9. Ancora una volta, anche per la partita con Napoli, J1897 residenti all'estero dovrebbero chiamare il numero dedicato per aquistare i biglietti in fase di prelazione. Ma per che ? Per che noi non possiamo comprare biglietti via Listicket come l'anno scorso ? Voglio dire che in vendita libera io posso comprare biglietti via Listicket (comme residente all'estero) ma in fase di prelaziono no. E vergognoso ! PS io non sono italiano (sono romeno), chiedo scusa per l'errori di lingua italiana
  10. I'm a J1897 member from Romania. Starting with this season there is a big problem for the members who don't live in Italy: we can't buy anymore tickets via Listicket. The only option to buy tickets is an international phone call. I don't understand why. I want to use Listicket like in the previous seasons, I don't want to spend money with an international phone call (waiting a lot of minutes in the "queue"). More than that, for the important games it will be impossible to buy tickets via phone call because there is no time to do it (tickets are sold in few minutes via internet). Another problem is the fact that, on Listicket, you can't choose anymore your seat via seatmap like in the past (like I said I can't use Listicket but the problem remain). I sent an email to Juventus support center. They replied but they didn't answer to my questions. I think they didn't read very careful what I wrote (Juve's support center is not the best from my experience). Anyway, for a big club like Juve, it's not normal that members who live in Europe can't buy tickets via internet (like in all other big clubs). I pay last year 160 euros for the J1897 card but, in these circumstances, I won't renew it. I hope that someone from the club read this forum and see my complain.
  11. Do you know if this period of time is also necessary for an upgrade from Premium International to J1897 International ? I intend to make this upgrade (90 euros, after I payed 65 for Premium International) because I want to be able to use "prelazione anticipata" for Juventus- Barca. As you maybe know a member not resident in Italy can purchase the ticket without tdt , only inserting on Listicket the number account from "my profile" section (from If I buy a completely new J1897 International card will be valid immediately or I will have to wait the same 10/15 days for the upgrade of listicket database ? (in this case probable I won't be able to use "prelazione anticipata" for Juventus- Barcelona) Thank you (you can answer in italian, i understand but to speak is preety difficult)

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