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  1. hi, In PREMIUM MEMBER INTERNATIONAL PREEMPTION SALES you can buy up to 4 tickets for those who have TDT or they need to have the Premium Member too? In my case I have the Premium Member International + TDT but my friend has only the TDT
  2. seems it works Step 1: Insert number of member from Juventus Profile as codice promozionale Step 2: Select Seat and select INT Step 3: Insert TDT as Card No and Web Ticket as PIN
  3. Thanks once again for your help. Now I checked my TDT with your link and now is ok Option 1 doest work Option 2 on my juventus profile i have the following: number of member: 1107#### FRM FanID: FRM000000067###
  4. Thank you Arcifanfano. This morning Listicket told me that now my TDT is valid, but still ask me for the codice promozionale. I will contact them again
  5. I have TDT from 2013, and last year I made the Premium Member International, but listicket is still asking me for codice promozianale and i dont know what number to enter there. Listicket make it so difficult for us to buy
  6. Ok thanks, and for the Codice promozionale?
  7. ciao, listicket mi sta dicendo che la mia TDT e' scaduta, e lo fatta in 2013 valida per 10 anni (scritto sulla tessera Valid thru: 07/23) Io sono maltese, dove posso telefonare dal estero? Grazzie
  8. Hi guys, I wish to buy today a ticket for Juve vs Milan Coppa Italia, and I have TDT 0141.....and Premium International Member FRM..... what code I have to enter for : Codice Promozionale? Card Number? Pin? thank you

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