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Tutti i contenuti di salvatore9

  1. RT @forumJuventus: TS: #Allegri azzera la #Juve: "Scordatevi la striscia e i record: pensate a vincere"► https://t.c…

  2. RT @eligalimi: Diretta terminata!#buonanotte a tutti!❤️⚽️???? @tvdellosport

  3. RT @KhaledAlNouss: Quite brilliant vision by Saponara for the assist.

  4. RT @Vince7up: Bamidele Jermaine #Alli sta francamente esagerando:

  5. RT @KhaledAlNouss: Juventus goalkeeper Alberto Gallinetta (23) will join Maltese side Naxxar Lions, according to @NicoSchira.

  6. RT @KhaledAlNouss: Top goal scorers after 20 games in their first yr at Juve. [GdS]

  7. RT @KhaledAlNouss: Juventus player ratings vs Udinese. Dybala with the best ratings. [GdS]

  8. RT @GoalItalia: Poker firmato Dybala, Juventus tiene il passo: "Scudetto? Temo Napoli e Inter"…

  9. RT @KhaledAlNouss: Udine wing-back Edenilson: "Alex Sandro is a champion. I was convinced that he deserved to be in the Brazil squad in the…

  10. RT @KhaledAlNouss: Udinese & Juve have faced each other 41 times at the Friuli, Juve won 24, Udinese 5 & there were 12 draws. Juve scored 7…

  11. RT @grazy__87: ZIZOUNON CI PROVARE!⚪⚫⚪⚫

  12. RT @grazy__87: la Juve pensa per il futuropresi SENSI e MANDRAGORAROSICATEEEEE!????????????

  13. RT @forumJuventus: Triulzi: #Real-#Juve volevano #Cavani, ma scegliemmo #Palermo. #Dybala? Subito dopo #Messi► https…

  14. RT @KhaledAlNouss: Mandragora's agent on the negotiations between Genoa & Juventus: "There's nothing certain, I'm in discussions with Juven…

  15. RT @SerieA_TIM: TOP 11 #SerieATIM della 19^giornata eletta dai tifosi. Super Consigli in porta, in avanti Berardi, Higuain e Dybala https:/…

  16. RT @Sport_Mediaset: Juve, Agnelli: "Dopo la finale di Berlino siamo ancora più forti. Abbiamo grandi ambizioni per il nostro futuro" https:…

  17. RT @romeoagresti: #Juventus and #Genoa are close to reach an agreement for #Mandragora. He's expected to sign a 5 years contract.

  18. RT @pavanmassimo: #juventus Moby Dick - Cedere Zaza sarebbe un errore. Morata a Madrid porterebbe 35 milioni… https…

  19. RT @TuttoMercatoWeb: #Palermo, #Zamparini su #Sensi: "Sinergia con la Juve? Se me lo chiedono, sì"


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