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Tutti i contenuti di kande

  1. kande

    Lazio - Juventus 1-0, commenti post partita

    OUT. Fino alla Lazio...
  2. kande

    Lazio - Juventus 1-0, commenti post partita

    Allegri, sei un uomo!! Dimetiti!!
  3. hi man,

    I'm not new at the forum, I have registered 3 years ago, and I'm fan of Juve since 1996, more or less, when i was 10, why ???

    Because what i said of Pepe and Leo ?¿

    In Spain we say:" mejor malo conocido que malo por conocer", so...

    In my opinion, of course I will sell them to buy Alex ( a little old) and someone like Hazard, but for ...

  4. tutto benne ?¿

  5. reputazione: -2

    WTF ????


  6. Ciao Sara,



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