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There's this silly trend both in Political Theory and Economics which aims to criticise Ideal Theories on the ground that the world is not an ideal one. This happened, among the others, with Fama (see his works on Efficient Market Hypothesis) and John Rawls (see the original position). I find many of those objections a bit trivial. Ideal theories shouldn't be judged on their accuracy in describing the real world. They should be judged on whether they represent a good normative standpoint for...
It took four days for the library to buy a book I have been recommending. I love you Sheffield.
"I learn to do service to another, without bearing him any real kindness: because I foresee, that he will return my service, in expectation of another of the same kind, and in order to maintain the same correspondence of good offices with me or others. And, accordingly, after I have serv'd him and he is in possession of the advantage arising from my action, he is induc'd to perform is part, as foreseeing the consequences of his refusal". Chi l'ha detto? Google non vale. Who said that??
Ken, perchè devi rovinare un libro così bello con queste ca**ate da scettico da quattro soldi? Peccato...
Oggi finalmente pennette garofalo, salsa educata, basilico e parmigiano...! Meraviglie di Amazon UK
Andrew Hindmoor: "but I still think Hayek is just about the most interesting philosopher I have ever encountered. Reading his work as a PhD student was a great revelation". So I am not the only crazy bastard who thinks that at the Dept
Dear Professor Binmore, I've just figured out that many of the things I wanted to argue in my PhD thesis are well presented in your amazing book that is "Natural Justice". Hope you won't be offended if I will pretend you don't exist
Ma che sta succedendo a Sheffield? Non piove da settimane, splende il sole e siamo sui 18 gradi. Sembra l'autunno a messina.
In tutto questo vorrei rendere pubblico il mio grosso rimpianto per la cessione di Matri.BAZINGAAAAAAAA
Inspiring speech by Chandran Kukathas today at KCL. So sad that I had to leave, but, at least, I have a good wifi at home!