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Su soulnewpower

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  • Compleanno 12/09/1973



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  1. spero ti faccia piacere


    Hey everyone , 

    a few things to cover  this issue so sit back and have a read lol  . First  of all is the latest music to share of course ,

    Eye 's 2 newest releases Purple Underground Volumes 3 and 6  covering various soundboards from the 1999 and Parade era

    are included below , along with a previously unheard Paisley Park show from 2014 , a concert held for the winner of a competition

    to mark the release of Art Official Age , can all be downloaded below :



    Next on the agenda is my new facebook page . As my mailing list isnt sent out at regular intervals ( and sometimes emails to

    subscribers just get completely lost in cyberlimbo )  I quite  often get people emailing asking me if theyve missed the latest issue or has

    it even been sent out yet . From now on when I send out an issue of the mailing list I will be posting  about it publically on my

    facebook page here -



    so eg a few minutes back I just posted that issue #37 was sent out today  . I generally wont be  posting the download links to the

    issues themselves on the page  , just an alert that its been sent out , purely because the easiest way for the lawyers to get a Prince-

    based facebook page removed is if they see it has a bunch of links to download illegal material on it , so I'll be keeping the posting

    of download links on it  to a minimum  . However saying that , from June 7th onwards I do intend to post regular download links

    to exclusive DVD compilations  ,  1 dvd per fortnight  or maybe even more often , but once the fortnight passes I will delete the link and post a new link  instead . The dvd downloads will be temporary  and will only be posted on the facebook page  , I wont be posting the links via the mailing list at all , so if youre on facebook then subscribe to my page asap , and tell all your prince friends to subscribe too , 

    the more the merrier . 


    Between now and next month  I will be using the facebook page to promote a fundraiser  me and a friend are doing to help

    another Prince fan whose had some rotten luck of late and finds herself  in some financial trouble . Why would you care about this you may say , well the reason is , my friend has agreed to share over 4 hours of uncirculating material  via my facebook page in 1 months time if we manage to raise enough money to help our mutual friend out of her situation . The more money we raise , the more new stuff is shared in 1 months time . I dont know exactly what will be shared but my friend donating the material has shared uncirculating songs and concerts  with me a few times in the past which I've shared widely online soon after  so I know they definitely have good stuff   still in thier locker which we will all want to hear .  All we need to do  are find enough good purple people online who are prepared to donate some money  and in return  they get 4 hours of new goodies to hear around May 15th  via my facebook page  . So again , I need your help , if you know  some good groups where unofficial Prince stuff is shared and talked about happily  , promote my facebook page , let people know theres 4 hours of new purple material that can be shared very soon  if theres enough people out there prepared to give a little to help out a fellow Prince fan . We know there are official fundraising sites like justgiving and gofundme  but my friend wasnt keen  on being named publically , the whole affair is embarassing for her , and also we're not sure how these sites would react to a campaign thats connected to unofficially released music also , so we're doing it this way .  Theres further details about all this on my facebook page also , but  the important  facts are that you can donate via ioffer or amazon -


    1. Mostra commenti precedenti  1 di più
    2. UotDeFac


      non ho mai pianto per una persona che non fosse un mio parente, e mi ritrovo ancora a piangere ascoltandolo o vedendolo.


    3. UotDeFac


      il link che ti ho mandato ė di una mailing list (generalmente mensile) di appassionati con bootlegs da scaricare, se ti fa piacere appena escono ti mando i link.

    4. soulnewpower


      Ho più di 400 gb di materiale audi/ video... ma non ne ho mai abbastanza....🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮

      Grazie. !!!!! 


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