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  1. aconte8

    Siti scommesse

    Ok so here it is wrapped up for you guys.... Any serious bettor 1) NEVER ACCEPTS A DEPOSIT BONUS ----READ RULES ON BONUSES 2) Here for American Sports AGAIN IF YOU ARE SERIOUS you accounts at a)Pinnacle b) Bookmaker or Bet Cris c) 5dimes or Heritage and then d) a heavily advertised like BET365 or SportsInteraction or Bodog. You need to line shop at the books that have the best lines wich are books a)-c) and you need an advertised book d) for inflated lines on underdogs because the Public LOVES betting favourites. Now all these books I mentioned offer european football. Not sure which book offers better lines. Research it. 5% cheaper juice at then end of the year can make a BIG difference. PS. I have withdrawn money several times on BET365 and have NEVER had any issues.
  2. se non siamo un top club chi lo e ? il man c?
  3. Toronto. What a beautiful city. 5 stars 4 you ;)


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