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Tutti i contenuti di Makoto

  1. :) Ok, I`m not worry. So, do you know me now?, dear white and black brother :p We are all on this forum great family and great tifosi of the great club!!!
  2. Hi, I`m sorry, I don`t have.

    I `m only in skype;))

  3. Salve, my dearest Sister!!! :* :)

  4. !Ciao!Saluti : )

  5. Great avatar!

  6. Makoto

    Ok!! I also have a dog, tifoso della Juve of course :-)


  7. Makoto

    Beautiful dog! :)

  8. Per te ho sempre spazio... :))

    Adesso-ok ;)

  9. Bello il nick!!! :)

    Forza Juve!!

  10. Grazie mille per avatar e firma!! Bellissimi!

    You are the best in your work :-)

  11. I wish you Feliz Año Nuevo, dearest sister :-)

  12. Makoto

    I wish you happy new year`08 too :-)

  13. Felice Natale, Otto:-)

    * * * * * *

  14. Sei molto gentile:- )

    felice Natale, Touch!*

  15. Liz.... :d

    Once again can`t sent message.;-0 Everyone writes to you and you have no free space ;-)

  16. Ciao Strega,come stai?:) Saluti da Polonia e sempre forza nostro grande Juventus!!


  17. Liz, I can`t send you any message

  18. I answer you.... :

    ciao :)) Greetings!

  19. I sent you the mail cause your message box is full ; )


  20. Hi! Do you speak Eng?


  21. I couldn`t send message, so write here! Thanks a lot Liz for the mail address:-]

  22. ciao;]grazie e ssaluti a sosnowiec ;)

  23. Juvewoman, fantastic avatar!! Impressing:]


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