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Tutti i contenuti di Carof90

  1. In un brutto periodo di forma Dame! #nba

  2. Lemina per quel poco che ha fatto vedere quest'anno mi sembra un bel giocatore.Se sano fisicamente ci penserei bene sul riscatto #SerieATIM

  3. Quindi per i thunder le partite durano 36 minuti,l'ultimo quarto non esiste per loro #nba

  4. RT @JADubin5: Wrote about Dion Waiters, who is more a symbol of an OKC failure than an actual failure himself:

  5. RT @SportsCenter: The Bulls have allowed 60+ Pts in 1st half 10 times this year.They allowed that 11 times in last 2 years COMBINED. http…

  6. Draymond Green's Clutch Three via @YouTube- Imbattibili i Warriors #nba

  7. RT @nbastats: Kyle Lowry scored 43 points in dominating fashion (15/20 on FG's, 2/5 on ????'s, 11/16 on FT's). Shot chart:…

  8. RT @Money23Green: Tell Big Jimmy you and I have illegal screens for days to allow Steph to get his shot off!

  9. RT @SportsNation: 11 in 55 games played...HE DOES IT EVERY 5 GAMES!!!

  10. RT @nbastats: #SAPStatLineOfTheNight Steph Curry rides the wave for 51 PTs, 8 ASTs, + 7 REBs in a @Warriors' W.

  11. RT @BillSimmons: After the Nets buy out Joe Johnson, I'm starting a Kickstarter fund w/Celts fans to pay Prokhorov NOT to play Brook Lopez …

  12. Ma non vi rompete mai a far moviole per tutto? Che noia

  13. Derrick Rose Full Highlights 2016.02.21 vs Lakers - 24 Pts, 6 Assists via @YouTube

  14. RT @drunkside41: Io e la questione Totti vs. Spalletti

  15. RT @gdfactoryclips: WATCH / Jabari Parker Full Highlights #Bucks at Hawks (2016.02.20) - 28 Pts, 13 Reb, Career NIGHT!…

  16. RT @NBA: On Michael Jordan​'s 53rd Birthday, we flash back to his FIRST GAME! #NBABDAY

  17. RT @DiventaTwitstar: Annuncia a tutti che chiudi il profilo, poi con il secondo e il terzo account implorati di tornare.

  18. RT @JuventusWAR: So I read that Donald fucking Trump wants to build a Barzagli between USA and Mexico.


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