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Alex Orgoglio Gobbo

La canzone più triste

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Non ho dubbi... "Canzone per un'amica".

Canzone bellissima ma non riesco ad ascoltarla... Ci sono canzoni che ti rendono tristi... a me fa proprio star male. Appena inizia cambio subito stazione radio o salto ad un altro brano.

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Mad world di gary jules è la perfetta colonna sonora di quei momenti in cui tutto va a meretrici .ghgh


Per ovvi motivi calo giù il muso ad acoltare canzoni quali heavy, one more light o castle of glass (che voce che avevi chester...).


Poi vabbè, questa è un must, spettacolare


E qui un misto tra la canzone (stupenda) ed il finale di soa .allah


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There's no one in town I know

You gave us some place to go

I never said thank you for that

I thought I might get one more chance

What would you think of me now

So lucky, So strong, So proud?

I never said thank you for that

Now I'll never have a chance

May angels lead you in

Hear you me my friends

On sleepless roads, the sleepless go

May angels lead you in

So what would you think of me now

So lucky, So strong, So proud?

I never said thank you for that

Now I'll never have a chance

May angels lead you in

Hear you me my friends

On sleepless roads, the sleepless go

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in


And if you were with me tonight

I'd sing to you just one more time

A song for a heart so big,

God wouldn't let it live

May angels lead you in

Hear you me my friends

On sleepless roads, the sleepless go

May angels lead you in

May angels lead you in

Hear you me my friends

On sleepless roads, the sleepless go

May angels lead you in

On sleepless roads, the sleepless go

May angels lead you in



Jimmy Eat The World - Hear You Me

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Questa , per fare un esempio è una canzone che mi mette molta tristezza.

Per mettermi di cattivo , anzi , cattivissimo umore bastano due note di Giggi D'Alessio

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  Il 04/04/2016 Alle 12:49, Gobbum ha scritto:



idem...quel pezzo di Neil Young che viene ascoltato durante il funerale ti da' quel senso


io poi accosto molti pezzi amati da mia madre a questo tread, in quanto mia madre e' mancata giovane....quindi Why di Anny Lennox, Gli Uomini di Mia Martini, Fast Car di Tracy Chapman...tutti pezzi stupendi ma che mi trasmettoni tristezza nel ricordo

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Me né vengono in mente quattro:

1) I Know it's over -The Smiths o la cover di Jeff Buckley

2) Exit Music - Radiohead

3) Something in the way - Nirvana

4)Trovami un modo semplice per uscirne - Verdena.


Ah quasi dimenticavo Werewolf di Cat Power...

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Questo nuovo pezzo dell'Aguilera TWICE che sarà contenuto nel nuovo disco LIBERATION:


Sometimes I wonder what is the meaning of this life 
I found the price of love and lost my mind 
I will forgive them all of my wrongs and my rights 
I'd do it all again and won't think twice, won't think twice
Are you devil? Are you angel? 
Am I heaven? Am I hell? 
I can barely find the proof to save myself 
Are you water? Are you fire? 
Are you filthy? Are you pure? 
Oh, I thought by now I'd know 
But I'm not sure
Well, you're no angel 
I never asked you to be 
You're my danger 'cause that's just what I need 
But it still hurts me
Well, sometimes I wonder what is the meaning of my life 
I found the price of love and lost my mind 
I will forgive them all of my wrongs and my rights 
I'd do it all again and won't think twice 
Won't think twice
My forever and my end 
My forgiveness and my sin 
I have sacrificed the most of my youth 
Is it treason? Is it true? 
That the worst I won't undo 
Only enemy I have in love is you 
Well, you're no angel 
I never asked you to be 
You're my danger 'cause that's just what I need 
But it still hurts me
Well, sometimes I wonder what is the meaning of my life 
I found the price of love and lost my mind 
Oh, I will forgive them all of my wrongs and my rights 
I'd do it all again and won't think twice, no 
Won't think twice
Were you devil? Were you angel? 
It's too late to change my mind 
I would do it all again and not think twice

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