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Rumor) Jez that's heard a rumor that Phil Spencer will be at TGS 2022 He doesn't know how true it is, can't confirm. He want to make the promise that they're heavy invested in Japan or have some pretty decent sizeable agreements to announce. Timestamp: 

Phil dovrebbe essere al TGS per annunciare pesanti investimenti in Giappone

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7 minuti fa, Moggic ha scritto:

Rumor) Jez that's heard a rumor that Phil Spencer will be at TGS 2022 He doesn't know how true it is, can't confirm. He want to make the promise that they're heavy invested in Japan or have some pretty decent sizeable agreements to announce. Timestamp: 

Phil dovrebbe essere al TzGS per annunciare pesanti investimenti in Giappone

Pignoleria Time 


E' TGS e non TzGS  :dsefz 

  • Haha 1

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18 minuti fa, Moggic ha scritto:

Si confida che Deathloop sarà annunciato questa settimana 



Mi pare che hanno detto il 17 no ? 


Comunque l'ho giocato sulla 5 quindi non mi tocca sefz 

E piglialo perché merita 


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