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1 ora fa, Peppe Juve46 ha scritto:

Aspetta aspetta aspetta aspetta,la mia era una battuta. Io sono Antiallegriano convinto. 

Ah ok scusa, meno male 😅

Avevo capito male io

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6 hours ago, Trezegol96 said:

My friend, go see how many messages i had in this forum...if i'm a troll i think i would be kicked out by moderators a long times ago...

You said we have so many champions which have wins a lot around the world, i reply you  most of the trophy you say our players have won were won by Di where are these incredible players in our team? Pogba and Chiesa, the others two good players, were injured for most games. Did i say something wrong or trolling?


I've had a look at your account and in every tread you write the same i have more doubt on who is the troll here. Learn some respect for who is longer than you here in this Forum and have alway respected the rules and the others users!

Admins: please kick this troll out of here. He is a Juve hater! Everything he said is nonsense. 

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