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Biglietti EURO 2024

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Buongiorno a tutti. Apro questo topic per eventuale compravendita o scambio di biglietti per Euro 2024.


Cerco biglietti per gli ottavi di finale:

  • match 39, Colonia 30/06/24 - 2 biglietti
  • match 41, Francoforte 01/07/24 - 2 biglietti

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Biglietti per l'UEFA EURO 2024


Se dei biglietti diventano disponibili, saranno proposti esclusivamente sul portale biglietti di UEFA EURO 2024. Si fa presente che i venditori di biglietti non autorizzati tentano di sfruttare l'elevata domanda, offrendo biglietti fraudolenti sul mercato secondario.


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UEFA urges fans to refrain from purchasing tickets on the secondary market.


Ticket sales to the general public and fans of the teams who have reached the UEFA men’s club competition finals or final tournament of UEFA EURO 2024 in Germany are carried out exclusively via – with the exception of hospitality tickets for EURO 2024, which are offered via 2024 HOSPITALITY EXPERIENCE AG.


All UEFA men’s club competition finals and UEFA EURO 2024 tickets are digital tickets and are distributed via the official UEFA Tickets mobile app, which contains state-of-the-art security features. There are no paper tickets or print-at-home tickets.


Tickets purchased from unauthorised third parties, websites or agencies, as well as on social media sites, or from touts may be cancelled by UEFA at any time and fans are likely to be refused entry or be ejected from the stadium.

Moreover, under certain laws, unauthorised sale of match tickets may constitute a criminal offence and is a matter that UEFA takes very seriously.


UEFA actively enforces its ticketing terms and conditions and, in fact, several hundred tickets have already been cancelled ahead of the UEFA club competition finals and UEFA EURO 2024 as they were offered and/or transferred in breach of the ticketing terms and conditions.


Fans are also strongly advised not to travel to the stadiums without tickets as entrance to the stadium is only authorised upon presentation of a valid ticket.


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