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What is acceptable at season's end?

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- 4th in Serie A (3rd or 4th not much difference so even 4th is ok)

- quarter-final in Champions League

- i dont care too much about Coppa Italia

- Club World Cup is important cause is in summer when there are not much to see in tv about football and we need a t-shirt main sponsor so much.

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1 ora fa, Karma Cop ha scritto:

Third place in Serie A and third Champions League in Europe.

Bro @@ 

Voi forse lo dite ironicamente ma mai come quest’anno il livello della champions è stato così basso. Poi questa nuova formula spariglia e molto le carte. Per questo io temo molto il cammino dei prescritti 

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La mia ignoranza regna galoppante. E pensare che una quarantina di anni fa, a Roma,  parlavo uno stupendo inglese. Una via di mezzo tra quello scolastico e quello da rimorchio. Agli esami per il diploma, preso a 22 anni alle scuole serali,  portai inglese orale e rimorchiai la prof che mi interrogo' 🤗 fine ot... Forse 

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The minimum goal for 2025, in my opinion, is securing third place in the league and reaching the quarter-finals in the Champions League. If the team finds the right chemistry, it can have a strong run in the CL because I haven’t seen any dominant teams, and we have a style of play that is better suited for European competitions.

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At this point, obviously don't fight for the title but have a winning rythm of a great team, at least 2.25 avgpoints. Impossible with Motta.

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I'm happy because I understood everything without Google Translate and I’ m happy also that VecchiaSignora is a internazional forum.


I'm strangely optimistic about the Champions League: maybe we are the outsiders this season.


I don't believe in a comeback in the league and I don't care about the Italian Cup and the World Cup

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1 ora fa, jurgen kohler ha scritto:

Mi aspetto almeno il quarto posto e di andare più avanti possibile in champions e mondiale per club. Perché la Juventus deve sempre puntare a vincere anche nelle annate meno felici. Quindi deve cercare di giocare alla pari anche se incontra il Liverpool, il Bayern o il Barcellona. Tutto sommato per questa rosa così giovane, forse è più facile l'exploit nelle competizioni ad eliminazione diretta che nel campionato dove è la continuità che premia.

Like supercoppa 🤣

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Post mal-ewwel tlieta fil lig taljan, kwarti tal-finali fil lig tar-rebbieha, ir-rebha tat-tazza taljana u kwarti tal finali tat-tazza tad-dinja.

  • Grazie 1

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If you would have asked me at the beginning of the season I would have said:

- Serie A: winner

- League cup: winner

- Super cup: winner

- CL: round of 16

- World Cup: quarter finals/semi finals


Considering where we are, a reasonable outcome that could be seen at least as not a complete failure is to me:

- Serie A: top 4

- League cup: winner

- Super cup: already gone

- CL: quarter finals

- World Cup: quarter finals/semi finals 

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At this moment of season, get into The top four italian championship

Win at least The italian Cup and reach The quarterfinals of The CL

Even if thats not The way to think if your name Is Juventus

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3 ore fa, Aspettando la terza... ha scritto:

Un trofeo. E motta out 

Già non lo cacciano se non vince niente figurarsi con un trofeo.

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Hopes: AT LEAST 4th in the league and a good ol' Coppa Italia as trophy.
Expectations: nothing at all.

Over and out.

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Fourth place, a good performance in the UCL. I don't mind about Coppa Italia. Yet, to define the season acceptable, these placements in the competitions aren't enough. To keep believing in the team and the coach for next season, I want to see a clear progress on the field. Starting to see a team that can win something in the next season is absolutely necessary.

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5 hours ago, Skippy5 said:

What do you hope to celebrate at the end of the season?

Inter management to the jail and the prescritti's team demoted to Serie B.

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2 ore fa, Luciano da Monticiano ha scritto:

Yes, of course. I saw Napoli and Inter too..and I saw matches with Empoli, Cagliari, Parma..I wil hope you will be right, but it's very very hard..

the team is improving in terms of play and physical fitness...have faith and come on Juve ....until the end

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